Terms & conditions

ZerOrigIndia’s ŚūnyArt Media Channel is a platform for artists to post an originally produced ‘perk’ for the ZerOrigIndia crowdfunding campaign intended for donors by way of reward.

Submissions in the form of audio files, video files or visuals art / posters are welcome (not longer than 4 minutes and containing no objectionable material).

A jury of professionals from Codarts Art Academy in Rotterdam (Netherlands) will have final say on selection of any submission.

Submission to us means copyright release for this specific purpose only. Copyright of the work remains yours.

Your name, company or organization will be mentioned along with the submission and as such you stand to gain wide exposure given our extensive network and publicity campaign.

By submitting a contribution to this worthy nonprofit cause, you are helping to fund the research project by a multidisciplinary team of scholars and researcher to locate the origin of the zero digit in India (200 BCE and 500 CE).

We look forward to your submission and would like to thank in advance for joining us!


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